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My Cat is scratching at her ears continuously, what can I do to treat this?
Author: Aussie Vet Products Date Posted:13 August 2014

Lucy writes:
My cat is scratching/ rubbing at her ears continuously, what can I do to treat this?
Hi Lucy,
Thanks for your question.
It sounds like your little cat may have a problem with ear mites. Ear Mites are a common problem affecting young cats and can be identified by a black waxy material inside the outer ear canal. They can cause intense irritation to your cat if not treated correctly.
Thankfully treating your cat for ear mites is quite simple. I would recommend using Advocate once a month on the back of your cat’s neck. Advocate will also protect your cat against fleas, heartworm and intestinal worms + ear mites.
Alternatively you can also use an ear drop called Illium ear drops and instil 4 drops in the ear twice daily for 14 days. Repeat again 1 month following.
If the problem is still persisting then I would highly recommend taking your cat to your local vet for a complete check over.
Dr Simon.