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Can I use the same Frontline plus on both my cat & dog?
Author: Aussie Vet Products Date Posted:6 March 2014

Val writes:
I notice from your website that Frontline Plus is used for both dogs and cats.
Can the one product be used for both animals or does each animal have its own Frontline Plus?
I have a dog and four cats to look after, so I am looking at savings wherever I can.
Looking forward to receiving your advice.
Aussie Vet Products responds:
Hi Val,
Thanks for your question.
Whilst Frontline Plus is available for both cats and dogs, Frontline Plus for dogs protects against both fleas and ticks, however Frontline
Plus for cats is only registered for protection against fleas.
We don’t recommend using one Frontline Plus on all animals as each pack has a different strength of active ingredient to cater to the different weight ranges.
I also wouldn’t advise using Frontline Plus for dogs on your cat as it has a different registration for tick protection which could be harmful to your cats. Also in the reverse Frontline Plus for cats wouldn’t be strong enough to protect your dog’s weight against fleas.
If you are looking for a product to treat both fleas and ticks on your cat I can recommend using frontline spray every three weeks. It is the only product registered and safe for both flea and tick control on cats.
Kind regards, Dr Simon