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Which product is safe to give my Collie who is affected by MDR1 gene?
Author: Aussie Vet Product Date Posted:6 January 2015

Hayley Writes:
Hi, We have two Rough Collies. One is a carrier for the MDR1 gene and the other is affected. As such, I am unable to give them any products containing ivermectin or other mectin products. Do you have any recommendations for heart worm tablets besides the daily Dimmitrol which they currently using? Thank you, Hayley
Aussie Vet Products responds:
Hi Hayley,
Thanks for your enquiry.
As your dogs are positive or possible carriers of the MDR1 gene I would recommend using either: Interceptor Spectrum or Milbemax for their combined heartworm and intestinal worm control.
Neither of these product contain Ivermectin or mectin derivative active ingredients.
Both are a monthly product that will prevent heartworm infestations and also control all intestinal worms including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm and tapeworm.
Both Interceptor and Milbemax contain: Milbemycin oxime and praziquantel which are both safe in use for dogs that are positive for MDR1 gene.
By switching to either of these products it will be much easier to protect them from heartworm and intestinal worms without the need to dose daily with dimmitrol.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me direct on P: 1300 382 263 if I can be of any further assistance to you.
Kid regards,
Dr Simon