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Worming your puppy with Drontal allwormer
Author: Aussie Vet Products Date Posted:2 June 2014

Karen writes:
I have a 9 month old puppy, she is 5kg. I would like to buy Drontal Allwormer chews. Which do I buy as there is only a 10kg dog and a 35kg dog treatment mentioned. Thank you.
Aussie Vet Products responds:
Good morning Karen,
Unfortunately the Dorontal Allwormer chews don’t come in any ‘inbetween sizes’. They are only available in a pack for 10kg dogs or 35kg dogs.
The Drontal Allwormer is also available in tablet form and comes in packs for dogs 3kg, 10kg and 35kg.
For your little 5kg dog, I would recommend using either half a 10kg tablet or 2x 3kg tablets as the weight ranges are very safe and will not harm her due to the 1kg difference.
I cannot recommend breaking a chew in half as there is no certainty that the drug is distributed evenly throughout the chew.
Puppies are more susceptible to worms so we recommend worming your puppy every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age and then once a month until she reaches 1 year of age. Thereafter at a minimum of 3 monthly intervals.
Thanks Dr Simon