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How can I re-set my password if I have forgotten it?

We understand how easy it is to forget your password.
To gain access to your account, click on either the ‘register/ login’ section or the ‘my account section’ and select the ‘Forgot Password’ button at the bottom of the sign in section. Enter the email address that is registered to your account.
You will then receive an email from us with an automatically generated 8 digit number. (If you have not received this email please check your Junk email folder) Once received enter this new password into the required field and click ‘Sign in’.
You can then update your password to one of your own choice by selecting the ‘Change My password’. You must enter the automatically generated password in the ‘current password’ box and then enter your new chosen password in both the ‘new password’ and ‘confirm new password boxes’ then click ‘change my password’.