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Selecting the right clipper blade for your pet
Author: Aussie Vet Products Date Posted:10 January 2014

Cutting your dog’s hair can be as time consuming as getting your own hair cut and sometimes needs just as much thought put into it. Which blades should you use? Should a different blade be used for your dog’s face? What about his ears and the bottom of his feet?
Clipper blades come in so many different shapes and sizes that it can be confusing to choose which one suits your dog best.
First of all, we need to take into consideration the thickness, texture and length of your dog’s coat.
The blade that you use on your dog’s body will not be the same blade you use on their face, ears, stomach and pads etc.
Secondly, you need to decide how long you want your dog’s coat to be. If it’s summer, you may want it a little shorter or thinner than you would want in the winter time.
If your dog’s coat is matted you will need to use a wider blade than you might need if their hair was in its normal state.
Below is a simple table which can help you to decide which blade suits your dog best.