Toxic food for your pets
Author: Sam Date Posted:15 December 2015

Food to stay clear of...
Sometimes sharing is not caring…
The festive season is a time for sharing moments, laughter, love and food with our family and loved ones, however there are certain loved ones we need to pay special attention to when it comes to the dinner table – Our Pets!
Now we don’t want to scare anyone or put them off enjoying a meal with your pet, we just want you to be aware of what you can and CANNOT give to your smaller family members.
To start with we will look at food that is NOT safe for Dogs and Cats
Alcohol – cause not only intoxication, lack of coordination, poor breathing, and abnormal acidity, but potentially even coma and/or death.
Corn On The Cob - This is a sure way to get your dog’s intestine blocked. The corn is digested, but the cob gets lodged in the small intestine, and if it’s not removed surgically. |
Grapes/Raisins - Grapes contain a toxin that can cause severe liver damage and kidney failure. We’ve heard stories of dogs dying from only a handful of grapes so do not feed your pup this toxic food. |
String – While not a food itself, foods can often contain or be similar to string. If your dog were to eat a string, it could get stuck in their digestive tract and cause complications.
Apple Seeds – The casing of apple seeds are toxic to a dog, releases cyanide when digested. Core and seed apples before you feed them to your dog. |
Cow’s Milk - If you really need to give them dairy, look into lactose-free dairy products. Dogs are lactose intolerant |
Human Vitamins -Make sure there’s no iron – iron can damage the digestive system lining, and prove poisonous for the liver and kidneys.
Rhubarb/Tomato Leaves – These contain oxalates, which can adversely affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. |
Avocado - Avocados contain Persin, which can cause diarrhoea, vomiting, and heart congestion.
Coffee – This is essentially poison for your dog if ingested |
Macadamia Nuts - These contain a toxin that can inhibit locomotory activities, resulting in weakness, panting, swollen limbs, and tremors as well as possible damage to your dog’s digestive, nervous, and muscle systems. |
Raw Fish - Another vitamin B (Thiamine) deficiency can result from the regular consumption of raw fish. Loss of appetite will be common, followed by seizures, and in rare instances, death. |
Cooked Bones – Cooked bones can easily splinter when chewed by your dog
Fat Trimmings - Can cause pancreatitis |
Mushrooms - Just as the wrong mushroom can be fatal to humans, the same applies to dogs. Don’t mess with them. |
Sugar - Too much sugar for your pup can lead to dental issues, obesity, and even diabetes.
Chewing Gum/Lollies - Not only do lollies and gum contain sugar, but it often contains Xylitol, which can lead to the over-release of insulin, kidney failure, and worse. |
Fish - The primary fish that you need to be careful about are salmon and trout as they contain parasites that are dangerous to dogs |
Onions/Chives - No matter what form they’re in (dry, raw, cooked, powder, within other foods), onions are some of the absolute worst foods you could possibly give your put. It’s poisonous for dogs, and it’s even worse for cats. They contain disulphides and sulfoxides (thiosulphate), both of which can cause anaemia and damage red blood cells. |
Tobacco - A major toxic hazard for dogs (and humans). The effects nicotine has on dogs are far worse than on humans. |
Chocolate – can be toxic, cause panting, vomiting, and diarrhoea, and damage your pet’s heart and nervous systems.
Hops – An ingredient in beer that can be toxic to your dog. The consumption of hops by your dog can cause panting, an |
Peaches/Plums - If you live in an area that is home to persimmon, peach, or plum trees, look out. Persimmon seeds and peach and plum pits can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis. If you notice your dog pooping all over the place, and see a bunch of seeds or pits in their waste, you’ll need to break out the saw and chop down some trees. |
Xylitol (Artificial Sweetener – A sugar alcohol found in gum, lollies, baked goods, and other sugar-substituted items, Xylitol, while causing no apparent harm to humans, is extremely toxic to dogs. Even small amounts can cause low blood sugar, seizures, liver failure, even death for your pup.
Citrus Oil Extract – Can cause vomiting.
Liver - Liver contains quite a bit of Vitamin A, which can adversely affect your pup’s muscles and bones.
Salt - Just like salt isn’t the healthiest thing for humans, it’s even less healthy for dogs. Too much of it can lead to an imbalance in electrolyte levels, dehydration and potentially diarrhoea. |
Yeast - Just like yeast rises in bread, it will also expand and rise within your pup’s tummy. |
Now that we have looked at the cat and the dog, we also need to pay attention to the 2 legged members of your flock, your birds.
Avocado – Their pit contains oil that leaches a toxin called persin into the fruit. Signs of avocado toxicity include lethargy, anorexia, breathing difficulty and sudden death. Avocado seems to be especially harmful to lovebirds, budgies and cockatiels, but larger parrots can also be susceptible. |
Onions - Whether cooked, raw or dehydrated, contain sulphur compounds that, when chewed, can cause haemolysis or a rupture of red blood cells, which can cause anaemia. They can also potentially cause irritation to a bird’s mouth, oesophagus and crop, and they can even cause ulcers. |
Garlic – Ads flavour to our dishes but it can cause problems in parrots. Garlic is related to onions and has similar chemical compounds. Garlic contains allicin, which in rare cases can cause Heinz body haemolytic anaemia in birds. |
Tomatoes - Are an acidic fruit, many veterinarians recommend not offering fresh tomatoes to birds, because they could potentially cause ulcers. Dried tomatoes and plain spaghetti sauce fine in moderation as the acid is cooked out. |
Mushrooms - A type of fungus. Raw mushrooms have been known to cause digestive problems in parrots, and the stems and caps of certain mushrooms can potentially cause liver failure in birds. |
Celery – It isn’t necessarily bad for parrots, it’s the stringy part of celery that can cause problems; namely crop impactation. Remove the stringy parts from celery if you wish to let your bird chomp into some. |
To finish it off listed below is a list of foods that are toxic to your smallest pets, your guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets, rats and mice.
Caffeine - An extension to chocolate, large amounts of caffeine can be very dangerous and even fatal. |
Avocado - Their pit contains oil that leaches a toxin called persin into the fruit. Small Animals like rodents and birds are most susceptible to this toxin. |
Alcohol - cause not only intoxication, lack of coordination, poor breathing, and abnormal acidity, but potentially even coma and/or death.
Bones & Fat – Bones can shatter and cause serious internal damage and chocking. Undercooked meat and fat can cause digestive issues. |
From our Aussie Vet Products family to yours – we hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year!