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Winter Tick Update for NSW & QLD fur babies
Date Posted:24 August 2016

It was once upon a time thought that our precious pets were only at risk of paralysis ticks during the spring/summer months. Unfortunately, due to climate change we have found that the nasty paralysis ticks are around just as much in Winter and Fall. To make things even worse, the most common ticks being found on dogs and cats are often the nymph or baby size ticks, making it incredibly hard to find them especially in long haired breeds. Regardless of what you have heard, the proof is in the pudding and these nasties need to be treated year round for optimum health. If you find a tick on your pet, carefully remove it and contact your local vet or vet hospital to see if treatment is required. It’s much better to be safe than sorry, when sorry can be too late!
Great Options for Control of Paralysis Ticks are :
Bravecto, Nexgard, Seresto, Advantix and Frontline