Anitone is derived from a careful manufacturing process that involves the fermentation of mineral rich plant extracts together with common stockfeed ingredients, such as molasses.
This fermentation process enhances the value of all the ingredients contained in Anitone, and elevates it from a regular stock feed supplement to a “super food”.
Vitamins and minerals that have been absorbed into plants form complex molecules called “phytocomplexes”. These complicated natural substances cannot be reproduced in a laboratory and are becoming increasingly recognized as superior dietary sources of many nutrients. As the fermentation process used in making Anitone mimics digestion, the vitamins and minerals it contains thus become highly bioavailable to gut microflora immediately after dosing over the tongue, or mixing in feed or water.
There are over 60 minerals contained in Anitone, along with good levels of Vitamin A, D and E, plus a range of amino acids essential for growth and metabolism. In addition, Anitone provides a wide variety of plant-origin volatile oils, chlorophyll, sterols, growth factors, alginates, humic and fulvic acids, vitamins and trace minerals, including many trace minerals such as selenium, zinc, iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, chromium, boron, manganese, nickel, vanadium – some of these more obscure elements are being proven by modern research to have emerging roles in maintaining peak metabolic function.
Most of these nutrients are also fundamental to maintaining healthy gut microflora, which perform the real work of digestion for the animal.
Anitone is highly water soluble, and is designed for oral use which can be in a variety of ways to suit many operations.
- May be used as an oral drench and mixes well with most water soluble commercial drenches and will not
- damage drench gun rubbers, animal’s mouths or human skin as is a completely natural product.
- May be poured over feed rations, or mixed through them – either pour over the total ration (calculate per head dose or use at 5% ration), or can be poured or sprayed onto hay, or sprayed over grain via a grain applicator, (standard rate to spray into grain of 10 litres liquid per ton, using 5 litres Anitone mixed with 5 litres water)
- May be added to drinking water wherever there is good flow through watering systems, and may be added to overhead tanks or distributed into sheds and troughs, providing water is not allowed to become stagnant. If added to drinking water, use at rate of 2%, or calculate dose per head according to known water consumption.
- Is useful as a single shotgun dose if not convenient to give regularly, but works best when adapted to frequent and regular doses, at least once or twice weekly if possible. May also be given daily to show and performance animals, or animals that are in recovery or subjected to repeatedly stressful conditions.