- Birds
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- Bedding, Cat Doors & Travel Accessories
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- Bowls, Water Fountains, Bottles and Teats
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- Combination Flea, Heartworm & Intestinal Worm
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- Dietary and Nutritional Supplements
- Digestive & Urinary Health
- DNA Tests
- Intestinal Worming
- Eyes, Ears & Nose
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- Dogs
- Accessories
- Beds & Kennels
- Combination Flea, Heartworm & Intestinal Worm
- Behaviour, Bark Control & Training Aids
- Bowls, Water Fountains, Bottles and Teats
- Cleaning & Hygiene Products
- Combined Heartworm & Intestinal Worm
- Dental
- Dietary and Nutritional Supplements
- Digestive & Urinary Health
- DNA Tests
- Dog Food
- Eyes, Ears & Nose
- First Aid, Skin & Wound Care
- Flea & Tick Control
- Flea Treatment for Dogs
- Heartworm Prevention
- Intestinal Worming
- Muscle and Joint
- Shampoos, Conditioners and Grooming
- Toys
- Travel Accessories & Dog Doors
- Treats
- Dog Pregnancy Tests
- Vaccines
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Apparent Ag Growth Regulator
The Apparent Ag crop protection range consists of over 150 registrations across the herbicide, insecticide, fungicide, seed treatment, adjuvants, wetter & growth regulator categories. Our focus on quality formulations sees the Apparent range demanded by growers Australia-wide in broadcare, cereals, cropping & pasture.
The Apparent brand is stocked in well over 700 retail stores. We supply a large range of small pack products which are very popular with the home garden & hobby farm acreage market. For top quality, optimum performance & value every time, your Choice is Apparent.
APPARENT® is the registered brand of AIRR’s agricultural chemicals which may be found in all AIRR and Tuckers Pet & Produce stores throughout Australia. The brand may also be found in other stores to whom AIRR wholesales throughout Australia.