About thunderworks
We are incredibly proud of our innovations! We are not about innovating for innovations sake. We are making affordable, effective, easy-to-use solutions for real problems faced by real pet families. We don’t want to offer the same old products offered by literally hundreds of companies – just another dog bowl, just another leash, just another dog bed in a different color or material. We strive to achieve innovations that create functional, real solutions for common pet problems.
ThunderWorks’ founder, Phil Blizzard, had a dog named Dosi who was extremely frightened by thunderstorms and fireworks. Wanting to comfort Dosi (and get more sleep), Phil did what most families do and consulted with veterinarians and dog trainers. Unfortunately, no one had a good solution. So, for many years Dosi (and her family) had to suffer though thunderstorms and Fourth of July fireworks. One day, a friend of the family recommended trying a snug wrap, like swaddling an infant. It sounded far-fetched, but nothing else had worked and it certainly couldn’t hurt to try. During one bad storm, they wrestled Dosi into an old t-shirt and used packing tape to create mild pressure. They were amazed – Dosi calmed almost instantly and laid down for the duration of the storm! ThunderShirt evolved from there, and has helped calm millions of dogs and cats around the world.