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Apparent Clobbertime 400 (Carfentra)

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Apparent Clobbertime 400 (Carfentra)

This product used to be called Apparent Clobber 400 (Carfentra) 

For improvement in the control of marshmallow and certain other broadleaf weeds prior to establishment of crops, fallows or forest plantations, in commercial, industrial and public service areas, around agricultural buildings and yards, in tree fruits, nuts, grape vines in tank mixture with knockdown herbicides;

Control of marshmallow and annual nettles in grass pastures and rough grass/turf areas; and control of volunteer cotton seedlings including Roundup Ready® cotton and desiccation of cotton re-growth as per the Directions For Use Table.

Apparent Clobber 400 Herbicide is an emulsifiable concentrate formulation and is to be mixed with water and applied according to the labelled Directions for Use.

Apparent Clobber 400 Herbicide is a post-emergence herbicide to be added to knockdown herbicides to improve the control of certain broadleaf weeds including marshmallow prior to the establishment of fallows, winter and summer broadacre and horticultural crops, marshmallow control in grass pastures, in commercial, industrial and public service areas, around agricultural buildings, yards and other farm situations or in tree fruits, nuts and grapevines.

Apparent Clobber 400 Herbicide can be used alone with a suitable adjuvant for control of volunteer cotton seedlings including Roundup Ready cotton. It can also be used for desiccation of regrowth in cotton.

Situation / Weeds

Prior to sowing winter and summer broadacre and horticultural crops; starting a fallow; and prior to establishment of forestry plantations.

To assist in weed control in Commercial, Industrial and Public Service areas, around Agricultural buildings and yards. In young or established Grapevines, Treefruits (including Pome fruit, Stone fruit and Citrus fruit), Tree Nuts and Assorted Tropical and Sub tropical fruits.

Weeds controlled:

  • Australian Crassula / Stonecrop (Crassula spp.)
  • Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula)
  • Chickweed (Stellaria media)
  • Common storksbill (max. 4 leaves) (Erodium cicutarium)
  • Doublegee/Spiny emex/Three cornered jack (Emex australis)
  • Marshmallow (Malva parviflora)
  • Paterson’s curse (Echium plantagineum)
  • Sub. Clover (Trifolium subterraneum)
  • Wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)

Refer also to the product label for the knockdown herbicide used.

Prior to sowing summer broadacre and horticultural crops; starting a fallow

Volunteer cotton seedlings, including Roundup Ready varieties

Grass pastures

Rough grass/turf areas

  • Weeds controlled: Marshmallow (Malva parviflora), Annual (stinging) nettles (Urtica urens)


  • Weeds controlled: Desiccation of re-growth

Refer to the Apparent Clobber 400 Instruction Booklet (PDF) for directions for use, proper application periods, dosage and situational applications.

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