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Coopers Ovilis Campyvax 500ml


Ovilis Campyvax

The only Campylobacter vaccine for sheep

  • Campylobacter is causing lower lambing percentages across Australia.1,2
  • Extensive blood sampling can confirm two thirds of farms tested are affected by C. fetus fetus - the main abortion causing strain.2
  • Reports from the MLA and other sources show lamb losses from Campylobacter average 9%2,3,4
  • Ovilis Campyvax aids in the control of reproductive losses due to Campylobacter infections in sheep


  • Campylobacter is a bacterial infection affecting ewes in late pregnancy and can result in significant loss of lambs between scanning and marking.
  • Campylobacter can cause abortions, still births and the birth of weak non-viable lambs.

Dose Rate

2mL subcutaneous injection Unvaccinated ewes: 2 injections pre-joining a minimum 3 weeks apart. Previously vaccinated ewes: Annual booster before joining

Trade Advice

Category: Specialty Vaccine

Species: Sheep

Active: Inactivated whole cell preparations of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter fetus fetus

Pack Size: 500mL

Withholding Periods: Meat = Nil, Milk = Nil, ESI = Nil

Storage: Store between 2°C - 8°C (Refrigerate. Do not freeze)

APVMA: 62563


Not for use in ewes which are severely debilitated or stressed.

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