Pickup Available - From Gumdale (East Brisbane, Qld 4154)

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Coopers Panacur 100

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Coopers Panacur 100 is a ready to use broad spectrum worm drench for the control of Benzimidazole sensitive mature and immature roundworms and lungworms in cattle and for the control of large strongyles, small strongyles, ascarids and pinworms in horses.

Coopers panacur 100 is effective against sensitive strains of the following internal parasites:


  • Barbares Pole Worm, Small brown Stomach worm, Stomach Hair Worm, Small Intestinal Worm, Thin necked Intestinal worm, Nodule Worm, Whipworm, Lungworms, Hookworm and Tapeworm.


  • Large Strongyles, Small Strongyles, Ascarids, Pinworms.

Directions for use:

  • Shake container before use. Coopers Panacur 100 is a ready to use formula and requires no dilution or mixing

Cattle Dose rate: 3.75ml of coopers panacur 100 per 50kg bodyweight ( 7.5mg fenbendazole / kg bodyweight)

For animals over 650kg dose at rate of 3.75ml per 50 kg bodyweight

For the control of liver flukein cattle, Coopers Panacur 100 can be mixed with Fasinex or Fasicare.

Liveweight (kg) Dose Volume (mL) Number of doses per 20L Pack
Up to 50 3.75 5332
51-100 7.5 2666
101-150 11.25 1776
151-200 15.0 1332
201-250 18.75 1068
251-300 22.5 888
301-350 26.25 760
351-400 30.00 664
401-450 33.75 592
451-500 37.5 532
501-550 41.25 484
551-600 45.0 444
601-650 48.75 108



Horses Dose rate: 1ml of Coppers Panacur 100 per 10kg bodyweight (10mg fendendazole/kg bodyweight)

To control Strongyloides Westeri in foals a dose of 5ml per 10kg is required.

For animals over 500kg dose rate of 1ml per 10kg bodyweight

Coopers Panacur 100 can be administered by a dosing syringe or drenching gun.

Has a wide safety margin and can be administered to pregnant mares and working stallions.


Liveweight (kg) Dose Volume (mL) Number of doses per 20L Pack
Up to 50 5.0 4000
51-100 10.0 2000
101-150 15.0 1333
151-200 20.0 1000
201-250 25.0 800
251-300 30.00 666
301-350 35.0 571
351-400 40.0 500
401-450 45.0 444
451-500 50.0 400

Withholding periods:

Cattle: do not use less than 14 days before slaughter for human consumption

Milk: Nil

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