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Startect Oral Drench For Sheep

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Startect Oral Drench For Sheep

  • Startect is a short-acting broad spectrum combination sheep drench that kills the most damaging worms, including those that are resistant to existing drenches.
  • Startect has been purposely released in combination.
  • It contains a completely new active, derquantel (10 mg/mL). This is the first active from the new SI (spiroindole) class of anthelmintics. Startect combines derquantel with the powerful ML abamectin (1 mg/mL).
  • Startect is the newest class of sheep drench and the only one to be released in combination for improved sustainability by managing resistance better1.
  • For the treatment and control of a broad range of susceptible adult and immature gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep, including multi-resistant strains.

Key Benefits

  • Pro-Active dual drench technology: the first drench in history designed to protect itself against resistance from the beginning
  • Proven in more than 200 local farm trials(99.3% efficacy)2.
  • When used as the cornerstone of your drench program also prolongs the useful life of older drenches3.
  • Short 14 day WHP and 28 day ESI

Recommendations for use

  • Startect is effective against adult and immature (L4) stages of sensitive strains of thefollowing internal parasites, including those resistant to levamisole (LEV), benzimidazoles (BZ),macrocyclic lactones (ML) and closantel (CLOS) and/or MONEPANTEL.
  • Barber’s pole worm Haemonchus contortus (including inhibited L4 stages); Stomach hair worm Trichostrongylus axei; Large stomach worm Haemonchus placei; Small brown stomach worm Teladorsagia (Ostertagia) circumcincta (including inhibited L4 stages), T. trifurcata; Black scour worm Trichostrongylus colubriformis, T. vitrinus; Small intestinal worm Cooperia curticei, C. oncophora, C. surnabada; Thin-necked intestinal worm Nematodirus spathiger, N. filicollus; Intestinal threadworm Strongyloides papillosus; Large bowel worm Oesophagostomum venulosum; Large mouthed bowel worm Chabertia ovina; Nodule worm Oesophagostomum columbianum; Whipworm Trichuris ovis; Lungworm Dictyocaulus filaria. Also treats and controls: Nasal Bot Oestrus ovis; Itch mite Psorergates ovis.
  • Startect was demonstrated to be effective against multi-resistant strains of Haemonchus contortus (LEV, BZ, ML and CLOS) and Teladorsagia circumcincta and Trichostrongylus colubriformis (both LEV, BZ and ML). STARTECT was also demonstrated to be effective against monepantel-resistant strains of Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis.

The Zoetis Advantage

  • Broad spectrum worm control
  • Kills LEV, BZ, ML and CLOS multi-resistant strains of Barber’s pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) and Kills MONEPANTEL resistant Barber’s pole worm (Haemonchus contortus).
  • Kills multi-resistant strains of Brown stomach worm (Teladorsagia circumcincta) to LEV, BZ and ML.
  • Kills LEV, BZ and ML multi-resistant strains of Black Scour worm (Trichostongylus colubriformis) and Kills MONEPANTEL resistant Black Scour worm (Trichostongylus colubriformis).
  • Protect your sheep by using an effective drench – Over 99% efficacy from more than 200 farm trials2.
  • Prolong the useful life of older drenches.
  • Progress your farm by improving drench sustainability.
  • Short 14 day WHP and 28 day ESI for increased trading flexibility.
  • Startect is the ideal ‘Primer drench’ to be given at the same time as long-acting drench treatment. This will reduce worm resistance occurrence to the long-acting drench.

Animals in excess of 75 kg to be dosed at 1 mL per 5 kg.

  • A representative sample of animals should be weighed before treatment.
  • Dose the mob to the heaviest animal by liveweight in each group (ewes, wethers, rams, lambs).
  • Do not under dose. Where there is a large variation in size within the group, dose rate should be based on the label directions for each weight range. Drafting into two or more lines may be appropriate, to avoid excessive overdosing.
  • Estimate liveweights carefully to avoid overdoing
  • Shake the container before use
  • The safety of Startect has not been estabilshed in lambs less than 6 weeks of age or less than 15kg bodyweight.

Applicator Recommendations

  • Clean and maintain the drenching applicator as outlined by the manufacturer daily.
  • Use a drench gunwith sillicone sealed "O" rings. It is receommended you use the StartectST 20ml Drench gun when using Startect


  • Store below 30°C (room temperature). Do not expose to temperatures below 0°C.
  • Discard product that separates or contains sediment following exposure to temperatures below 0°C. Protect from direct sunlight.
  • DO NOT leave Startect in the drencher after work day, rinse out with warm soapy water and lubricate with vegetable oil.

Withholding periods

  • Meat withholding: 14 days.
  • ESI (Export Slaughter Interval): 28 days.
  • Re-treatment interval: 28 days after last treatment.
  • Milk withholding: Do not use in female sheep which are producing or may in the future produce milk or milk products for human consumption.

Safe Use Recommendations

  • Startect may irritate the skin so avoid contact with the skin. When opening the container and using the product, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist (or equivalent clothing) and elbow-length chemical-resistant gloves.
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arm and face thoroughly with soap and water. After each day’s use wash contaminated clothing.

Registered Label Warnings

  • The safety of Startect has not been established in lambs less than 6 weeks of age or less than 15 kg bodyweight.
  • Startect is very toxic to horses. Do not use in horses or species other than sheep.
  • Startect is toxic to aquatic life. Do not contaminate dams, rivers or streams with the product or used container.


  • Little PR, Hodge A, Maeder SJ et al., Efficacy of a combined oral formulation of derquantel-abamectin against the adult and larval stages of nematodes in sheep, including anthelmintic resistant strains. Veterinary Parasitology 2011; 181: 180–93.
  • Zoetis Data on File, 2015.
  • Leathwick DM, Waghorn TS, Miller CM, Candy PM, Oliver A-MB (2012), Managing anthelmintic resistance – use of a combination anthelmintic and leaving some lambs untreated to slow the development of resistance to ivermectin. Veterinary Parasitology 187: 285-294.

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