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Terramycin Pinkeye Aerosol 125gm


Terramycin Pinkeye Aerosol 125gm

  • A broad-spectrum antibiotic for treatment of eye infections of animals and in particular pinkeye conditions in cattle and sheep.
  • Terramycin Pinkeye Aerosol contains oxytetracycline hydrochloride 2 mg/g in a non-CFC propellant.
  • Terramycin® is effective against Moraxella bovis and Rickettsia conjunctivae and has activity against a wide range of secondary invaders including Mycoplasma conjunctivae.

Recommendations for use

Eye infections of all animals including infectious keratitis (pinkeye) of cattle and other infectious agents associated with these diseases. Bacterial wound contamination.

The Zoetis Advantage

Terramycin® Pinkeye Aerosol is:

  • Highly effective at treating the common eye infections in cattle
  • In a convenient aerosol formulation
  • Flexible, with no meat or milk withholding period


  • Shake can well. Hold a hand span away from infected eye and apply directly.
  • Repeat treatment 3 times daily until complete resolution of condition.
  • This pack provides approximately 40 applications each of two seconds duration.

To prevent spread of infection:

  • Treat all affected and in-contact stock
  • Individual animals should be isolated
  • Avoid dusty environment


Store below 30°C (room temperature). Store in original container.

Registered label warnings

  • Aerosol is highly flammable. Do not incinerate or puncture the can when empty.
  • Use in a well ventilated area.

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